Source code for auxlib.collection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Common collection classes."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from functools import reduce

from .compat import text_type

[docs]class AttrDict(dict): """Sub-classes dict, and further allows attribute-like access to dictionary items. Examples: >>> d = AttrDict({'a': 1}) >>> d.a, d['a'], d.get('a') (1, 1, 1) >>> d.b = 2 >>> d.b, d['b'] (2, 2) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self
[docs]class frozendict(dict): def __key(self): return tuple((k, self[k]) for k in sorted(self)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__key() == other.__key()
[docs]def first(seq, key=lambda x: bool(x), default=None, apply=lambda x: x): """Give the first value that satisfies the key test. Args: seq (iterable): key (callable): test for each element of iterable default: returned when all elements fail test apply (callable): applied to element before return Returns: first element in seq that passes key, mutated with optional apply Examples: >>> first([0, False, None, [], (), 42]) 42 >>> first([0, False, None, [], ()]) is None True >>> first([0, False, None, [], ()], default='ohai') 'ohai' >>> import re >>> m = first(re.match(regex, 'abc') for regex in ['b.*', 'a(.*)']) >>> 'bc' The optional `key` argument specifies a one-argument predicate function like that used for `filter()`. The `key` argument, if supplied, must be in keyword form. For example: >>> first([1, 1, 3, 4, 5], key=lambda x: x % 2 == 0) 4 """ return next((apply(x) for x in seq if key(x)), default)
[docs]def firstitem(map, key=lambda k, v: bool(k), default=None, apply=lambda k, v: (k, v)): return next((apply(k, v) for k, v in map if key(k, v)), default)
[docs]def last(seq, key=lambda x: bool(x), default=None, apply=lambda x: x): return next((apply(x) for x in reversed(seq) if key(x)), default)
[docs]def call_each(seq): """Calls each element of sequence to invoke the side effect. Args: seq: Returns: None """ try: reduce(lambda _, y: y(), seq) except TypeError as e: if text_type(e) != "reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value": raise