Source code for auxlib.entity

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides serializable, validatable, type-enforcing domain objects and data
transfer objects. It has many of the same motivations as the python
`Marshmallow <>`_ package. It is most
similar to `Schematics <>`_.


Chapter 1: Entity and Field Basics

    >>> class Color(Enum):
    ...     blue = 0
    ...     black = 1
    ...     red = 2
    >>> class Car(Entity):
    ...     weight = NumberField(required=False)
    ...     wheels = IntField(default=4, validation=lambda x: 3 <= x <= 4)
    ...     color = EnumField(Color)

    >>> # create a new car object
    >>> car = Car(, weight=4242.46)
    >>> car
    Car(weight=4242.46, color=0)

    >>> # it has 4 wheels, all by default
    >>> car.wheels

    >>> # but a car can't have 5 wheels!
    >>> #  the `validation=` field is a simple callable that returns a
    >>> #  boolean based on validity
    >>> car.wheels = 5
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValidationError: Invalid value 5 for wheels

    >>> # we can call .dump() on car, and just get back a standard
    >>> #  python dict actually, it's an ordereddict to match attribute
    >>> #  declaration order
    >>> type(car.dump())
    <class '...OrderedDict'>
    >>> car.dump()
    OrderedDict([('weight', 4242.46), ('wheels', 4), ('color', 0)])

    >>> # and json too (note the order!)
    >>> car.json()
    '{"weight": 4242.46, "wheels": 4, "color": 0}'

    >>> # green cars aren't allowed
    >>> car.color = "green"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValidationError: 'green' is not a valid Color

    >>> # but black cars are!
    >>> car.color = "black"
    >>> car.color
    < 1>

    >>> # car.color really is an enum, promise
    >>> type(car.color)
    <enum 'Color'>

    >>> # enum assignment can be with any of (and preferentially)
    >>> #   (1) an enum literal,
    >>> #   (2) a valid enum value, or
    >>> #   (3) a valid enum name
    >>> car.color =; car.color.value
    >>> car.color = 1;

    >>> # let's do a round-trip marshalling of this thing
    >>> same_car = Car.from_json(car.json())  # or equally Car.from_json(json.dumps(car.dump()))
    >>> same_car == car

    >>> # actually, they're two different instances
    >>> same_car is not car

    >>> # this works too
    >>> cloned_car = Car(**car.dump())
    >>> cloned_car == car

    >>> # while we're at it, these are all equivalent too
    >>> car == Car.from_objects(car)
    >>> car == Car.from_objects({"weight": 4242.46, "wheels": 4, "color": 1})
    >>> car == Car.from_json('{"weight": 4242.46, "color": 1}')

    >>> # .from_objects() even lets you stack and combine objects
    >>> class DumbClass:
    ...     color = 0
    ...     wheels = 3
    >>> Car.from_objects(DumbClass(), dict(weight=2222, color=1))
    Car(weight=2222, wheels=3, color=0)
    >>> # and also pass kwargs that override properties pulled
    >>> #  off any objects
    >>> Car.from_objects(DumbClass(), {'weight': 2222, 'color': 1}, color=2, weight=33)
    Car(weight=33, wheels=3, color=2)

Chapter 2: Entity and Field Composition

    >>> # now let's get fancy
    >>> # a ComposableField "nests" another valid Entity
    >>> # a ListField's first argument is a "generic" type,
    >>> #   which can be a valid Entity, any python primitive
    >>> #   type, or a list of Entities/types
    >>> class Fleet(Entity):
    ...     boss_car = ComposableField(Car)
    ...     cars = ListField(Car)

    >>> # here's our fleet of company cars
    >>> company_fleet = Fleet(boss_car=Car(color='red'), cars=[car, same_car, cloned_car])
    >>> company_fleet.pretty_json()  #doctest: +SKIP
      "boss_car": {
        "wheels": 4
        "color": 2,
      "cars": [
          "weight": 4242.46,
          "wheels": 4
          "color": 1,
          "weight": 4242.46,
          "wheels": 4
          "color": 1,
          "weight": 4242.46,
          "wheels": 4
          "color": 1,

    >>> # the boss' car is red of course (and it's still an Enum)

    >>> # and there are three cars left for the employees
    >>> len(

Chapter 3: Immutability

    >>> class ImmutableCar(ImmutableEntity):
    ...     wheels = IntField(default=4, validation=lambda x: 3 <= x <= 4)
    ...     color = EnumField(Color)
    >>> icar = ImmutableCar.from_objects({'wheels': 3, 'color': 'blue'})
    >>> icar
    ImmutableCar(wheels=3, color=0)

    >>> icar.wheels = 4
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: Assignment not allowed. ImmutableCar is immutable.

    >>> class FixedWheelCar(Entity):
    ...     wheels = IntField(default=4, immutable=True)
    ...     color = EnumField(Color)
    >>> fwcar = FixedWheelCar.from_objects(icar)
    >>> fwcar.json()
    '{"wheels": 3, "color": 0}'

    >>> # repainting the car is easy
    >>> fwcar.color =

    >>> # can't really change the number of wheels though
    >>> fwcar.wheels = 18
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: The wheels field is immutable.

Chapter X: The del and null Weeds

    >>> old_date = lambda: isoparse('1982-02-17')
    >>> class CarBattery(Entity):
    ...     # NOTE: default value can be a callable!
    ...     first_charge = DateField(required=False)  # default=None, nullable=False
    ...     latest_charge = DateField(default=old_date, nullable=True)  # required=True
    ...     expiration = DateField(default=old_date, required=False, nullable=False)

    >>> # starting point
    >>> battery = CarBattery()
    >>> battery
    >>> battery.json()
    '{"latest_charge": "1982-02-17T00:00:00", "expiration": "1982-02-17T00:00:00"}'

    >>> # first_charge is not assigned a default value. Once one is assigned, it can be deleted,
    >>> #   but it can't be made null.
    >>> battery.first_charge = isoparse('2016-03-23')
    >>> battery
    CarBattery(first_charge=datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 23, 0, 0))
    >>> battery.first_charge = None
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValidationError: Value for first_charge not given or invalid.
    >>> del battery.first_charge
    >>> battery

    >>> # latest_charge can be null, but it can't be deleted. The default value is a callable.
    >>> del battery.latest_charge
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: The latest_charge field is required and cannot be deleted.
    >>> battery.latest_charge = None
    >>> battery.json()
    '{"latest_charge": null, "expiration": "1982-02-17T00:00:00"}'

    >>> # expiration is assigned by default, can't be made null, but can be deleted.
    >>> battery.expiration
    datetime.datetime(1982, 2, 17, 0, 0)
    >>> battery.expiration = None
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValidationError: Value for expiration not given or invalid.
    >>> del battery.expiration
    >>> battery.json()
    '{"latest_charge": null}'

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from collections import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from json import loads as json_loads, dumps as json_dumps
from logging import getLogger

from enum import Enum
from ._vendor.boltons.timeutils import isoparse
from .collection import AttrDict
from .compat import (with_metaclass, string_types, text_type, integer_types, iteritems,
                     itervalues, odict)
from .exceptions import ValidationError, Raise
from .ish import find_or_none
from .logz import DumpEncoder
from .type_coercion import maybecall

log = getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [
    "Entity", "ImmutableEntity", "Field",
    "BooleanField", "BoolField", "IntegerField", "IntField",
    "NumberField", "StringField", "DateField",
    "EnumField", "ListField", "MapField", "ComposableField",

KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP = "__key_overrides__"

NOTES = """

Current deficiencies to schematics:
  - no get_mock_object method
  - no context-dependent serialization or MultilingualStringType
  - name = StringType(serialized_name='person_name', alternate_names=['human_name'])
  - name = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)
  - more flexible validation error messages
  - field validation can depend on other fields
  - 'roles' containing blacklists for .dump() and .json()
    __roles__ = {
        EntityRole.registered_name: Blacklist('field1', 'field2'),
        EntityRole.another_registered_name: Whitelist('field3', 'field4'),

  - alternate field names
  - add dump_if_null field option
  - add help/description parameter to Field
  - consider leveraging slots
  - collect all validation errors before raising
  - Allow returning string error message for validation instead of False
  - profile and optimize
  - use boltons instead of dateutil

Optional Field Properties:
  - validation = None
  - default = None
  - required = True
  - in_dump = True
  - nullable = False

  - Nullable is a "hard" setting, in that the value is either always or never allowed to be None.
  - What happens then if required=False and nullable=False?
      - The object can be init'd without a value (though not with a None value).
        getattr throws AttributeError
      - Any assignment must be not None.

  - Setting a value to None doesn't "unset" a value.  (That's what del is for.)  And you can't
    del a value if required=True, nullable=False, default=None.

  - If a field is not required, del does *not* "unmask" the default value.  Instead, del
    removes the value from the object entirely.  To get back the default value, need to recreate
    the object.  Entity.from_objects(old_object)

  - Disabling in_dump is a "hard" setting, in that with it disabled the field will never get
    dumped.  With it enabled, the field may or may not be dumped depending on its value and other

  - Required is a "hard" setting, in that if True, a valid value or default must be provided. None
    is only a valid value or default if nullable is True.

  - In general, nullable means that None is a valid value.
    - getattr returns None instead of raising Attribute error
    - If in_dump, field is given with null value.
    - If default is not None, assigning None clears a previous assignment. Future getattrs return
      the default value.
    - What does nullable mean with default=None and required=True? Does instantiation raise
      an error if assignment not made on init? Can IntField(nullable=True) be init'd?

  - If required=False and nullable=False, field will only be in dump if field!=None.
    Also, getattr raises AttributeError.
  - If required=False and nullable=True, field will be in dump if field==None.

  - If in_dump is True, does default value get dumped:
    - if no assignment, default exists
    - if nullable, and assigned None
  - How does optional validation work with nullable and assigning None?
  - When does gettattr throw AttributeError, and when does it return None?


[docs]class Field(object): """ Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programatically useable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value. Arguments: types_ (primitive literal or type or sequence of types): default (any, callable, optional): If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation. required (boolean, optional): validation (callable, optional): dump (boolean, optional): """ # Used to track order of field declarations. Supporting python 2.7, so can't rely # on __prepare__. Strategy lifted from _order_helper = 0 def __init__(self, default=None, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False): self._default = default if callable(default) else, default) self._required = required self._validation = validation self._in_dump = in_dump self._nullable = nullable self._immutable = immutable if default is not None: self.validate(None,, maybecall(default))) self._order_helper = Field._order_helper Field._order_helper += 1 @property def name(self): try: return self._name except AttributeError: log.error("The name attribute has not been set for this field. " "Call set_name at class creation time.") raise
[docs] def set_name(self, name): self._name = name return self
def __get__(self, instance, instance_type): try: if instance is None: # if calling from the class object val = getattr(instance_type, KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP)[] else: val = instance.__dict__[] except AttributeError: log.error("The name attribute has not been set for this field.") raise AttributeError("The name attribute has not been set for this field.") except KeyError: if self.default is not None: val = maybecall(self.default) # default *can* be a callable elif self._nullable: return None else: raise AttributeError("A value for {0} has not been set".format( if val is None and not self.nullable: # means the "tricky edge case" was activated in __delete__ raise AttributeError("The {0} field has been deleted.".format( return self.unbox(instance, instance_type, val) def __set__(self, instance, val): if self.immutable and instance._initd: raise AttributeError("The {0} field is immutable.".format( # validate will raise an exception if invalid # validate will return False if the value should be removed instance.__dict__[] = self.validate(instance,, val)) def __delete__(self, instance): if self.immutable and instance._initd: raise AttributeError("The {0} field is immutable.".format( elif self.required: raise AttributeError("The {0} field is required and cannot be deleted." .format( elif not self.nullable: # tricky edge case # given a field Field(default='some value', required=False, nullable=False) # works together with Entity.dump() logic for selecting fields to include in dump # `if value is not None or field.nullable` instance.__dict__[] = None else: instance.__dict__.pop(, None)
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): return val
[docs] def unbox(self, instance, instance_type, val): return val
[docs] def dump(self, val): return val
[docs] def validate(self, instance, val): """ Returns: True: if val is valid Raises: ValidationError """ # note here calling, but not assigning; could lead to unexpected behavior if isinstance(val, self._type) and (self._validation is None or self._validation(val)): return val elif val is None and self.nullable: return val else: raise ValidationError(getattr(self, 'name', 'undefined name'), val)
@property def required(self): return self._required @property def type(self): return self._type @property def default(self): return self._default @property def in_dump(self): return self._in_dump @property def nullable(self): return self.is_nullable @property def is_nullable(self): return self._nullable @property def immutable(self): return self._immutable
[docs]class BooleanField(Field): _type = bool
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): return None if val is None else bool(val)
BoolField = BooleanField
[docs]class IntegerField(Field): _type = integer_types
IntField = IntegerField
[docs]class NumberField(Field): _type = integer_types + (float, complex)
[docs]class StringField(Field): _type = string_types
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): return text_type(val) if isinstance(val, NumberField._type) else val
[docs]class DateField(Field): _type = datetime
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): try: return isoparse(val) if isinstance(val, string_types) else val except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(val, msg=e)
[docs] def dump(self, val): return None if val is None else val.isoformat()
[docs]class EnumField(Field): def __init__(self, enum_class, default=None, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False): if not issubclass(enum_class, Enum): raise ValidationError(None, msg="enum_class must be an instance of Enum") self._type = enum_class super(EnumField, self).__init__(default, required, validation, in_dump, nullable, immutable)
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): if val is None: # let the required/nullable logic handle validation for this case return None try: # try to box using val as an Enum name return val if isinstance(val, self._type) else self._type(val) except ValueError as e1: try: # try to box using val as an Enum value return self._type[val] except KeyError: raise ValidationError(val, msg=e1)
[docs] def dump(self, val): return None if val is None else val.value
[docs]class ListField(Field): _type = tuple def __init__(self, element_type, default=None, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False): self._element_type = element_type super(ListField, self).__init__(default, required, validation, in_dump, nullable, immutable)
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): if val is None: return None elif isinstance(val, string_types): raise ValidationError("Attempted to assign a string to ListField {0}" "".format( elif isinstance(val, Iterable): et = self._element_type if isinstance(et, type) and issubclass(et, Entity): return self._type(v if isinstance(v, et) else et(**v) for v in val) else: return self._type(val) else: raise ValidationError(val, msg="Cannot assign a non-iterable value to " "{0}".format(
[docs] def unbox(self, instance, instance_type, val): return self._type() if val is None and not self.nullable else val
[docs] def dump(self, val): if isinstance(self._element_type, type) and issubclass(self._element_type, Entity): return self._type(v.dump() for v in val) else: return val
[docs] def validate(self, instance, val): if val is None: if not self.nullable: raise ValidationError(, val) return None else: val = super(ListField, self).validate(instance, val) et = self._element_type self._type(Raise(ValidationError(, el, et)) for el in val if not isinstance(el, et)) return val
class MutableListField(ListField): _type = list
[docs]class MapField(Field): _type = dict __eq__ = dict.__eq__ __hash__ = dict.__hash__
[docs]class ComposableField(Field): def __init__(self, field_class, default=None, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False): self._type = field_class super(ComposableField, self).__init__(default, required, validation, in_dump, nullable, immutable)
[docs] def box(self, instance, val): if val is None: return None if isinstance(val, self._type): return val else: # assuming val is a dict now try: # if there is a key named 'self', have to rename it val['slf'] = val.pop('self') except KeyError: pass # no key of 'self', so no worries return val if isinstance(val, self._type) else self._type(**val)
[docs] def dump(self, val): return None if val is None else val.dump()
class EntityType(type): @staticmethod def __get_entity_subclasses(bases): try: return [base for base in bases if issubclass(base, Entity) and base is not Entity] except NameError: # NameError: global name 'Entity' is not defined return () def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): # if we're about to mask a field that's already been created with something that's # not a field, then assign it to an alternate variable name non_field_keys = (key for key, value in iteritems(dct) if not isinstance(value, Field) and not key.startswith('__')) entity_subclasses = EntityType.__get_entity_subclasses(bases) if entity_subclasses: keys_to_override = [key for key in non_field_keys if any(isinstance(base.__dict__.get(key), Field) for base in entity_subclasses)] dct[KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP] = dict((key, dct.pop(key)) for key in keys_to_override) else: dct[KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP] = dict() return super(EntityType, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr): super(EntityType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr) cls.__fields__ = odict(cls.__fields__) if hasattr(cls, '__fields__') else odict() cls.__fields__.update(sorted(((name, field.set_name(name)) for name, field in iteritems(cls.__dict__) if isinstance(field, Field)), key=lambda item: item[1]._order_helper)) if hasattr(cls, '__register__'): cls.__register__() def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super(EntityType, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) setattr(instance, '_{0}__initd'.format(cls.__name__), True) return instance @property def fields(cls): return cls.__fields__.keys() @with_metaclass(EntityType)
[docs]class Entity(object): __fields__ = odict() def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, field in iteritems(self.__fields__): try: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) except KeyError: # handle the case of fields inherited from subclass but overrode on class object if key in getattr(self, KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP): setattr(self, key, getattr(self, KEY_OVERRIDES_MAP)[key]) elif field.required and field.default is None: raise ValidationError(key, msg="{0} requires a {1} field. Instantiated with " "{2}".format(self.__class__.__name__, key, kwargs)) except ValidationError: if kwargs[key] is not None or field.required: raise self.validate() @classmethod
[docs] def from_objects(cls, *objects, **override_fields): init_vars = dict() search_maps = tuple(AttrDict(o) if isinstance(o, dict) else o for o in ((override_fields,) + objects)) for key in cls.__fields__: init_vars[key] = find_or_none(key, search_maps) return cls(**init_vars)
[docs] def from_json(cls, json_str): return cls(**json_loads(json_str))
[docs] def load(cls, data_dict): return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def validate(self): # TODO: here, validate should only have to determine if the required keys are set try: reduce(lambda _, name: getattr(self, name), (name for name, field in iteritems(self.__fields__) if field.required) ) except TypeError as e: if str(e) == "reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value": pass except AttributeError as e: raise ValidationError(None, msg=e)
def __repr__(self): def _valid(key): if key.startswith('_'): return False try: getattr(self, key) return True except AttributeError: return False def _val(key): val = getattr(self, key) return repr(val.value) if isinstance(val, Enum) else repr(val) def _sort_helper(key): field = self.__fields__.get(key) return field._order_helper if field is not None else -1 kwarg_str = ", ".join("{0}={1}".format(key, _val(key)) for key in sorted(self.__dict__, key=_sort_helper) if _valid(key)) return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, kwarg_str) @classmethod def __register__(cls): pass
[docs] def json(self, indent=None, separators=None, **kwargs): return json_dumps(self, indent=indent, separators=separators, cls=DumpEncoder, **kwargs)
[docs] def pretty_json(self, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), **kwargs): return self.json(indent=indent, separators=separators, **kwargs)
[docs] def dump(self): return odict((, field.dump(value)) for field, value in ((field, getattr(self,, None)) for field in self.__dump_fields()) if value is not None or field.nullable)
@classmethod def __dump_fields(cls): if '__dump_fields_cache' not in cls.__dict__: cls.__dump_fields_cache = tuple(field for field in itervalues(cls.__fields__) if field.in_dump) return cls.__dump_fields_cache def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False rando_default = 19274656290 # need an arbitrary but definite value if field does not exist return all(getattr(self, field, rando_default) == getattr(other, field, rando_default) for field in self.__fields__) def __hash__(self): return sum(hash(getattr(self, field, None)) for field in self.__fields__) @property def _initd(self): return getattr(self, '_{0}__initd'.format(self.__class__.__name__), None)
[docs]class ImmutableEntity(Entity): def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): if self._initd: raise AttributeError("Assignment not allowed. {0} is immutable." .format(self.__class__.__name__)) super(ImmutableEntity, self).__setattr__(attribute, value) def __delattr__(self, item): if self._initd: raise AttributeError("Deletion not allowed. {0} is immutable." .format(self.__class__.__name__)) super(ImmutableEntity, self).__delattr__(item)